Peer Consultation Services

Peer consultation is for practitioners (facilitators, psychotherapists, and healthcare providers) who are seeking expert consultation on trauma and/or psychedelics as they are handling difficult dilemmas with their clients. They may be also seeking professional guidance as they fine tune their focus to include trauma-informed and psychedelic-informed care into their practice.

Let's Talk

Let's Talk •

Curious about peer consultation?
Meet Amy during her office hours.
20-minute discovery appointments are offered free of charge so that you can discuss your needs.

Clinicians who consult with me seek to evolve their practice to include psychedelic and/or trauma-informed knowledge with their client care. They are open to being challenged with critical thinking, engage in honest self-inquiry, are willing to read or research outside of the consultation session, and practice the tools and processes specific to psychedelic-assisted therapy as a “field internship” within their existing practices.

I live for supporting clinicians in taking what they already know and transposing that knowledge in new areas. The consultees I work with:

  • You are already an experienced psychotherapist, but wish to become psychedelic-informed in your practice. We will identify strengths and identify where you can grow and deepen your clinical practice and start to practice the skills needed in psychedelic-assisted therapy.

  • Your are already an experienced facilitator, but wish to become more trauma-informed in your facilitation of other’s experiences. We will ensure that you know the nose-to-tail aspects of trauma-informed care of others.

Topics that might be addressed in peer consultation services

  • “My client is asking questions about whether to microdose or go to Peru (or anywhere) to work with a shaman but I don’t even know how to best support them in assessing and reducing risk or guide them in the process of selecting a safe place to work with a psychedelic – a retreat center or with a facilitator or substance that will be safe for them, given their trauma history.”

  • “My client is engaging in psychedelic usage 3-4 times a month with a facilitator that says that he/she will be in “trouble” if they don’t continue with them.”

  • “My client is interested in microdosing.”

  • “My client said they were touched inappropriately by a facilitator.”

  • “My client was said their facilitator did a ‘healing’ with them but feels severely depressed and now more hopeless.”

  • “My client had a mystical experience and wants to sell everything they have and move to South America.”

  • “My client is considering using one of the mail-order Ketamine service. Is that safe?”

  • “My client froze, thought I was the perpetrator of their trauma and became highly distressed, and I didn’t know what to do.”

Curious about peer consultation services with Amy?
Talk to her during her office hours.

Most clients who might seek your psychological services following a psychedelic encounter have had an adverse or challenging experience. To support clinicians and facilitators in being psychedelically-informed and trauma-informed so that they can best serve these clients, I cover a range of topics—psychoeducation, ethics, consent, self-advocacy, preparation, integration, and more.


One-on-One peer consultation.
One hour, over Zoom or In Person.

Please fill out an Intake form.


Group consultation, Six-month commitment. (Maximum of 4 consultees per group), case consultation and didactic material. Meets 1hr 15 min a month Tuesdays at 4:00 PM.

Please fill out an Intake form.

Excited to work together? Let’s get started.